NIAPPI Core Beliefs and Value System
- Self-reliance, No Free-lunches.
- Reward hard work and success, Don’t penalize success by over-taxation, and a big No to “License Raj”.
- Minimum Government, Maximum Governance.
- All governments by size and nature are at best inefficient, and more often than not out of sync with the main street.
- Limit the role of Government to primarily law and order, national security and defense.
- Minimize taxation, as Government is the worst spender of your money. (Every one knows about a $100 wrench or the proverbial bulb change city crew).
- Fiscal Discipline “Chaddar Dek ke Payr Pasao”, We say Absolute “NO” to deficit spending.
- Strong believers in balanced budget constitutional amendment.
- Education, education and education….
- Deep attachment to Family.
- Non-violence and respect for life.
- Strong belief in democracy and respect for dissent.
- Peace through Strength.